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Displaying 741 - 760 of 1052

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/09/14 Another Road Under The Sun - Lession 3 Ross Fink Ecclesiastes Sun AM 20141109RFAM.mp3
11/09/14 Freedom in Christ Devin Leiding N/A Sun PM 20141109DLPM.mp3
11/02/14 Fun in the Sun - Lesson 2 Ross Fink Ecclesiastes Sun AM 20141102RFAM.mp3
10/26/14 Denying Self David Tant N/A Sun AM 20141026DTAM.mp3 Denying_Self.ppt
10/26/14 Ark of the Covenant David Tant N/A Sun PM 20141026DTPM.mp3 Ark_of_the_Covenant.ppt
10/19/14 Shepparding the Flock Marty Broadwell Elders Sun AM The_Elder_as_the_Shepherd_of_the_Flock_-_charts.ppt 20141019MBAM.mp3
10/19/14 Developing and Selecting Elders Russ Lagrone Elders Sun PM Developing_and_Selecting_Elders_-_Roswells.pptx 20141019RLPM.mp3
10/12/14 You and the Sun - Lession 1 Ross Fink Ecclesiastes Sun AM 20141012RFAM.mp3
10/12/14 Rejoice Always Bill Moore N/A Sun PM Lesson_-_Rejoice_Always.ppt 20141012BMPM1.mp3
10/05/14 Transformed into His image David Tant N/A Sun AM 2014105DTAM.mp3 Transformed_into_His_image.ppt
09/28/14 Making Men Bigger than God Ross Fink N/A Sun AM 20140928RFAM.mp3 MAKING_MEN_BIGGER_THAN_GOD.ppt
09/21/14 The Second Temple Marty Broadwell N/A Sun AM Temple_sermon_-_Sep_2014.ppt 20140921MBAM.mp3
09/14/14 Can This Be Us David Tant N/A Sun AM 20140914DTAM.mp3
09/14/14 Challenge of Godly Living David Tant N/A Sun PM CHALLENGE_OF_GODLY_LIVING.ppt 20140914DTPM.mp3
09/07/14 The Cost of Following Jesus Ross Fink N/A Sun AM 20140907RFAM.mp3
08/31/14 Challenges We Face David Tant N/A Sun AM Challenges We Face.ppt 20140831DTAM.mp3
08/31/14 Cross and the Blood - S and S David Tant N/A Sun PM Cross and the Blood - S and S.ppt 20140831DTPM.mp3
08/17/14 Guarding the Trust Ross Fink N/A Sun AM 20140817RFAM.mp3
08/17/14 Running From God Bill Moore N/A Sun PM Running from God.ppt 20140817BMPM.mp3
08/10/14 Standing Tall in Stressful Times Ross Fink N/A Sun AM 20140810RFAM.mp3

Displaying 741 - 760 of 1052

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